Friday, December 11, 2015


from the Binnie Report

Q. The Crown Law office refers to Mr Mark Buckley?
A Yes.
Q And they say that he says that you had confided in him around 1990 that you were sexually interested in a female jogger and that you could 20 commit the sexual offence against her, use your paper round to get away with it and as we know that evidence was eventually excluded by the Court of Appeal but what - how did you know Mark Buckley?
A. Ah , very innocuous question after all that.
Q. There are others to follow.
A. Um, I'm sure there are yes. Um, Mark Buckley was, became a fairly good, well, a close friend of mine after I started in, at Bayfield High School in sixth form, 1989.
Q. 1989, yes? And did you - were you close enough friends to exchange confidences?
A. Ah , yes, I guess so, later - you know, after obviously a settling in period.
Q Did this discussion that he related to the police ever take place?
A No.
Q What reason would he have for coming up with an untruthful anecdote?
A. Because our friendship had ended . Ah, at the, pretty much the end of, or faded out and then ended towards the end of the, our seventh form year and we essentially, you know, I - just, it all ended on bad terms.
Q. So it was more than drifting apart? It was actually -
A. No, no, it ended on bad terms.
Q And what was the - why was that?
A. I had witnessed him - because we had goats on our property and I had witnessed him performing a deviant act in that situation . I'm not, I wasn't completely fooled but it was certainly, you know, looked stupid and obviously embarrassing for him. Ah , and as we know you have to do to take, get the blame away from yourself is point it at somebody else, "It was him, it was him." So what happened is and you can see, can see in this, in the yearbook for my last year at high school -
Q. Yes?
A. - he made comment -
Q. Why don't you just read the comment into the record?
A. Well under my photo he says well there's several different things there, all totally innocuous but, "Known by friend as Dirty Dave," which was the first time I'd ever heard that phrase used and then later on , "Most embarrassing moment - ask Mark Buckley," and finally, "Most wanted thing on a desert island," is, "Goat," so he was quite obviously trying to put, you know, shift the blame of the, that situation onto me when it was him who performed this, you know, silly act.
Q. And when silly act you're talking of - act of a sexual nature with the goat?
A. Yes. So that's what ended our friendship and anything that he has to say, I mean, it's totally untrue.

This report cost taxpayer's half a million dollars. Many well spent, not.

According to David, Mark Buckley performed a deviant act and anything that he has to say, I mean, it's totally untrue.

How does he explain the two other witnesses who reported the story about using the paper run as an alibi?